Friday, July 22, 2016

Just. Jump. :)


Before you go crazy and accuse me of something. No. I'm not promoting suicide.
This is all about letting yourself go. Exploring. Finding all the beauties in life. People tend to get caught in vicious circles that they can't leave or can't break out of. Sometimes people don't want to leave it. Because they feel safe in it. They know everything and everyone around them. However, that isn't always good.
The reason why I'm writing this right now is because I want to encourage people. There are so many beautiful places in this world. I bet you won't even have to travel far to find them. The only thing you have to do is leave your comfort zone. Not even for long. People might say "It's dangerous when I go out. I don't know the people here. I don't even know this location here."
Well. Of course there are some risks but they are overshadowed by all the positive feelings you get when you finally break free. New friends. New favourite restaurants. New beaches. Everything is so new and fascinating. I've talked about this in an earlier post. As kids we all had this characteristic. We were all curious. We all wanted to explore new things. It is so sad to see this fade away more and more. Even if something bad happens to you (I hope you will all be safe). It's an experience. An experience that you will have for the rest of your life. Just enjoy the blessings of life and don't think about the negative stuff. Push everything negative aside and just be happy. With everything going on in the world it might be a bit hard, but you can make it. I believe in you. Just. Jump. :)

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