Thursday, August 11, 2016

Disturbing news.

The next morning Ben was planning his day. After his early morning history lesson, he would knock at the door of the headmaster’s office. The theme of the lesson was old school magic. Benjiro was sitting in the last row next to Itoe. She was still thinking about the letter and the inevitable dangers that may or may not occur in the coming weeks. „Most wands some centuries ago were made out of birch wood. The richer among the society let them manufacture their wands out of mahogany.“, Mrs. Kim shouted and woke some from their daydream. She had been their history teacher since they had joined the school. She was a middle-aged brunette with glasses. Some students identified her lessons as the more relaxing ones. They tend to pay attention to other things like other students or their phones. But not Ben. He loved history. He had a passion for magic in it’s baby steps. The development and discoveries of the past was really his passion. His friends never seem to have that much interest in it, but sometimes he just didn’t care and went on to talk about a certain topic for hours, sometimes even for days. Recently, he wanted to find out everything about the battle his mother was involved in. So far, he didn’t stumble upon anything. 
After the bell rang, everybody got up and packed together their stuff. Every student was walking toward their locker to get ready for the next period. Benjiro thought otherwise. In his backpack he had the unidentified object for the headmaster. He didn’t tell anybody about it. He struggled to fall asleep last night. His mind was racing. He was asking himself so many questions. About him. About his mother. About the mysterious thing on the ledge. Why it landed on his of all windows. 
Benjiro knocked on the door, hoping for some answers. „Mr. Gordon?“, Benjiro’s voice filled with a little bit of sadness. All of a sudden the door opened. Mr. Gordon was an American. He started taking over the school a few years ago after his japanese forerunner announced his retirement.
„Ben, it’s nice to see you. Why did you decide to knock on my door?“, his voice was very deep and manly. „Something woke me last night. Some weird object landed on my window ledge.“, the teenager was still looking for answers. Ben handed Mr. Gordon the metallic device. After receiving the item, he sat down in shock. He was looking back and forth between Ben and the device. „That’s highly worrying, Ben.“, Gordon finally began to talk. „I’ve just recently talked with my colleagues about that. This, my young friend is a drone.“, Ben wanted to know more. „So who sent it? And why?“
„Judging by the material and the high-tech manufacturing, this comes from a more progressed race than we are. Someone is trying to spy on us. We will further investigate. For now, you can leave, Benjiro. Thank you very much for coming to me.“, he seemed to be in a rush.

„Sure. No problem Sir.“, Ben left Mr. Gordon’s office. While he his worries rose from all the things that have happened recently, he was happy to eat lunch with his friends. And who knows. Maybe Notomi shared his food with him again. 

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