Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Defence against evil races.

The first lesson of the new year was control and study of magic spells. The teacher in this class was a world famous wizard from England and his name was Michael Ackerman. Legends tell the story, that he once - before he became a teacher - fought a battle with the mightiest of enemies. Over the years a few evil groups of wizards tried to attack those wizards who try to defend the world. However, every time he was asked about this epic battle, he ignored it or refused to give an answer. It was his first year in this school, but the headmaster was very honored to have him in his group of teachers.
„Everybody please sit down!“, Ackerman said. „Today we are going to learn about relatively new magic spell, which can be used against any type of enemy.“ Suddenly there was a loud yawn that came out of the last row. It was Notomi. She never seemed to care all that much about this lesson. She was more into evil races. „Today we will learn about a spell called ignis.“ he continued as if nothing had happened. „It suits well for fights with basically anything. From normal flesh to even metal.“ Everyone started to follow the teachers instruction and swung their magic wand. Not everyone succeeded at first. Even Benjiro failed his first attempt. Ackerman walked up to him and said „you have to say it with more force in your voice. You have to be confident. That’s one of the most important things if you want be a good wizard.“ After a few more attempts later the school bell rang and the teacher dismissed his students. Everyone except for one. When Benjiro packed his things and wanted to walk out he heard Ackerman say „wait Ben!“ as if he had something important to tell him. Something that couldn't wait.

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