Sunday, April 9, 2017

I'M BACK! *Warning* This Post might be a little long

First of all, I want to apologize. I know we haven't lived up to anyone's expectations regarding this blog. Both, my girlfriend and me have been super busy with work and studying that we couldn't keep up with creating creative content. But here I am, taking this time out of my day to write about something I got reminded of again and again in my life. Warning, it might be a little philosophical.

So, as I mentioned, me and my girlfriend have been busy. But I'm not going to write about what we did because I don't think anyone would be interested. Instead, I want to talk about what changes personality-wise and in terms of character when you live in a relationship. I don't know if anyone is interested in that either but here we go. Hahaha.

I want to start with the facts. I'm 20 years old and my girlfriend is 19. We have been in a relationship for 2 years and 2 months now. Although, we started dating in highschool, it was not your typical movie-like lovestory. But that doesn't matter. What matters in this post is, how I have changed in the course of this partnership. For instance, my mentality changed a lot. Before we started dating I'd say I was more selfish than now. Even the first months I was thinking more about myself and trying to treat myself well, rather than my girlfriend. I realized that pretty fast and it has never been like that ever since.

One thing that does baffle me a lot is, the difference between being alone and being in company of the person you love the most. Imagine yourself at a bus stop. You walk up the bus stop and check your clock to see how long you have to wait for the bus. Imagine it's 10 minutes. (Again, this is very personally speaking, so you might disagree, but let's continue.) If you were alone at that bus stop you would be pissed. You would think something like "shit, why do I have to wait so long. I just wanna get home." or something along those lines. Now, imagine the same scenario, but while you wait for the bus you look at your partner. You smile. You hold his/her hand. You kiss. And all of a sudden, the bus shows up. Time flew by so quickly. And deep down you would've hoped the bus wasn't going to come this early because you don't want this moment to end. This special moment with the most special person you know.

I actually think a lot of people will be able to relate to this. Your whole mentality will change when you get into a serious relationship. I'm not talking about one-nighters here. I'm talking about serious, long-term relationships. You start to think about little gifts for your partners. Letters. What food you could surprise them with. You plan dates. It takes up the majority of your time and I think it should be like that. Making your soulmate happy shouldn't have a time restriction. Or thought restriction, if that makes sense.

What I'm trying to say here is, that especially men that don't invest time in their partner, are doing something wrong. And even if it might not be cool to do it infront of your friends or whatever. Well, you chose to be in this relationship. If you can't bring enough effort into it, it maybe was the wrong decision. For me, my partner is everything. This girl is the most beautiful and most precious human being I know. And ever will know. We are planning our future. Where we want to travel. Where we want to live. What jobs we might get into. And honestly, planning this with the person you love most, is such a gift. The human brain often isn't able to comprehend how special something is. Most of the times, you'll realize it when you have already lost it. And I don't want that to happen. And I think no one who is in a serious relationship wants that.

So. What I try to do is remind myself. Remind yourself how special your partner is. Remind yourself how precious the time you spend together really is. And if that's hard to do. Imagine how it would be without your significant other. Then it'll be easier. Getting to know someone is often a serious of coincedences. Life is too short to be grieving all the time. Or being sad all the time. Be happy. Spread love and positivity. Man, I'm sounding like a preacher. My message is: Men, protect your girl. I'm sure I will.

Thanks for reading.